Leilani Lei. I want to personally thank you for letting me and the rest of this adult video viewing world to watch how you enjoyed fucking Mr. Jordan. My husband and I (Both now in our late 40ties) have been enjoying some very hot and amazing wild wonderful 3somes with our very beautiful and extremely sexy looking white 67yr. old widowed mutual bisexual/ lesbian girlfriend aka “Lisa”. My husband and I first met and played with Lisa and her husband Richard 2 years ago. During the first part of this year, January 14th, Richard died in a car accident. Lisa became very secluded from everyone except from me and my husband. Then this past Saturday July 3rd Lisa called and asked me if I would be okay with allowing my husband to be in a hotel room alone with her. This video is kinda what I imagined they were doing in her hotel room.
Leilani is just SO stunning and beautiful - there's really no one else quite like her. I have often fantasized about being her (oh sooo lucky) cuck and cleaning her creampies ...
I would give anything in this world to taste your beautiful pussy. I could spend hours making passionate oral love to her intoxicatingly lovely body. I live in Winter Haven, Fl. I would crawl over 1000 miles of broken glass or swim through shark infested waters to have her incredible body sitting on my face. You are so very very hott Leilani Lei.